Post 12, I think

by bynnad

So, it’s been a crazy couple of days.

I finally filled out and submitted all my NCAA compliance forms, and now I’m actually running with the cross country team at URI. Running! With them! It’s a wonderful feeling, but I must say how humbling and, at times, scary it can be, too. These college athletes run a lot more, and at a faster pace than any high school team could. Getting your ass kicked at each practice by these guys (not literally, running-wise I mean) lets you know that you’re once again at the bottom of the barrel, a newbie, a freshman.

But, the coach and varsity runners are all very nice. You just have to make sure you don’t screw up your paperwork, and run hard every day. The practices have consisted of, so far, a 3-mile tempo run and an 8-mile run with some speed work thrown in. It doesn’t look like I’ll be competing in any NCAA varsity race anytime soon, but I don’t mind working my way up through the ranks. It will take a while, but I’m just glad to have this type of experience and opportunity.

Today I competed in a local 5k race with some of the other freshman in town. I got 16:58, a new PR. I’ll keep at it.